Change… Entering the Night Hours

Reflections on our struggle and courage to reach to the light of God.
Click here to download this entire series of poems.


You know how the lock sticks.
Turn it a bit more.
Got it!
I’m home!

They come in all sizes, shapes, conditions.
Small 3 bedroom with 5 children.
A wandering collection of rooms in Maine.
‘This old house needs some work!’

Call it what you will: it is home.
We share our tears, laughter, bread.
We miss it 500 miles away.
Home is where the heart finds rest.

Each house has it’s story.
Stories some left untold, to be avoided.
Tales of long nights, dawning with dread.
Heroic homes weathering the years.
Home holds our dreams, hopes, fears.
We know who we are, we think, at home.
We can doubt in its secure embrace.
We know home when we leave.

James P. Raun
August 23, 2010
John 1:9  “The true light giving light to everyman…”



You become aware that something needs to be different in yourself, at work, in a relationship… or in some vague sense that something can be better. You begin to be aware that a change needs to occur.

These reflections try to capture the possibility of this new awareness. They seek to encourage facing the unknown as you  consider what this difference might become.

“Home?” evokes that step in the experience of change where we are aware  from within that what is familiar is not right. This sense carrying you forward to the necessity of leaving what is comforting.

These  reflections continue by visiting our insecurities, our fears moving through the night hours to celebrate the dawning of something new.