Monthly Archives: February 2017

Change… Entering the Night Hours


You know how the lock sticks.
Turn it a bit more.
Got it!
I’m home!

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What does a person long for?
For what do we reach?
And do we obtain?
Longing, reaching.
And for what?

To be alone.
By ourselves, with no one else.
Embraced within ourselves.
Being just who we are.

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The nose pressed against the window pane.
Hands smudging the glass.
Eyes round, eyebrows raised in

The child is lost staring
At the toys.
So pretty, so magically
Wondering which one, she likes best.

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Honored in carrying the present
into the past,
I pause here and now.
This revered moment.

I am eternal
in this place before the past
and what is coming.
This moment in time.

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Imagine a quiet morning
Green grass, blue sky, early morning birds flying across the sky
A still lake with miles to the far shore
Warm sun in the sky behind the large Old Oak
A bed of red tulips mixed purples and yellows
A bunny scampers across the grass

Near the house stands your Mother
A graceful woman some say
A lady who is generous with the grocery boy
She is wearing her favorite flowery blouse and wide brim sun hat
Some love to hear her voice in the lane coming up the hill

One does not, her daughter, you
You’re thinking she is anything but not graceful her words sting
Beauty, yes but not below the surface, in the heart, where it counts
I know
I have felt what she holds in her heart
A bitter childhood

Love? I can barely stand being here this weekend
Why did I come? Oh, yes her 90th birthday
We are both older now, did time heal anything for her, for me
The family is gathering the first time since Dad’s passing years ago
Dad, now he is the one I miss, I cried every night when he was ill
How did he love her, he loved her dearly

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